For agency ships the treatment is the same as the procedure of servicing the ship belonging to the implementation of B / M activities. But must coordinate with the Principal / Charterer and follow the instructions. For foreign ship agency and ships loading / exporting goods follow import customs regulations.
1. Dismantling procedure (Import)
Document of goods dismantling / import: manifest, copy B.L., Discharging List, Bay Plan / Stowage Plan.
On the basis of such documents, the agent will do as follows:
a. Notify the consignees; ETA ship, when to start / finish unloading. Claim claim submitted no later than 3 days after completion of unloading.
b. Reporting to Customs.
c. Consignee / EMKL begins to take care of related disassembly documents and processes D.O.
d. Consignee / EMKL settle liability to voyage such as: freight, guarantee of container, doc. fee, THC and other fees if any. Then D.O. received and handled customs duties in obtaining a Letter from Customs.
e. Take care of the process of disposing of goods in PBM or warehouse.
2. Export Goods Preparation
Shipper handed the Shipping Instruction (S.I.) to the agent.
S.I. contains the following data:
a. The name of the shipper, consignee and notify address.
b. Port loading and unloading.
c. Brand and no. and goods according to packing list, amount of charge, colli, weight and volume.
d. The name of the ship that will carry.
e. Payment of freight prepaid or collect.
f. Original number and copy of B.L. desired.
g. Copy of Export Goods Notice (PEB).
On the data the agency makes the draft B.L submitted to Shipper, if it is approved then made the original B.L.
3. Document For In / Out Clearance
a. Before the ship arrives at the port, the agent prepares the following documents:
1. PKKA (Notice of Foreign Ship Agency)
2. PPKB (Ship and Goods Ship Application)
3. RKSP (Plan of Arrival of Transport Facility)
4. Memorandum of inspection of ship documents
5. Letter of Appointment from owners
6. Master Cable
7. ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate) from ship
8. Ship Particulars from owners / ships
9. Crew List from the ship
10. Manifest and copy B.L.
b. Documents prepared at the time the ship arrives at the port:
1. Crew List
2. Crew Personal Effect
3. Voyage Memo
4. Ammunition List or Dangerous Cargo List
5. Store List and Provision List
c. Documents prepared at the time of departure of the ship:
1. Sailing Declaration of Quarantine and Quarantine Clearance
2. Cargo Manifest and copy B.L.
3. Port Clearanace Out (SIB)
4. Immigration Clearance
5. Custom Clearance
Prosedur Pemuatan dan Pembongkaran Muatan
Untuk kapal-kapal keagenan perlakuannya sama dengan prosedur melayani kapal milik didalam pelaksanaan kegiatan B/M. Namun harus koordinasi dengan Principal / Charterer serta mengikuti petunjuknya. Untuk keagenan kapal asing dan kapal-kapal yang muat barang export / import mengikuti peraturan Bea Cukai.
1. Prosedur Bongkaran (Import)
Dokumen barang bongkaran / import : manifest, copy B.L., Discharging List, Bay Plan / Stowage Plan.
Atas dasar dokumen tersebut, maka agen akan melakukan sebagai berikut:
a. Memberitahu kepada para consignee; ETA kapal, kapan mulai / selesai bongkar. Tuntutan claim diajukan paling lambat 3 hari setelah selesai bongkar.
b. Melaporkan kepada Bea Cukai.
c. Consignee / EMKL mulai mengurus dokumen bongkaran terkait dan memproses D.O.
d. Consignee / EMKL menyelesaikan kewajiban terhadap pelayaran seperti : freight, jaminan peti-kemas, doc. fee, THC dan biaya lainnya kalau ada. Kemudian D.O. diterima dan mengurus kewajiban di Bea Cukai mendapatkan Surat Jalan dari Bea Cukai.
e. Mengurus proses pengeluaran barang di PBM atau gudang.
2. Persiapan Barang Export
Shipper menyerahkan Shipping Instruction (S.I.) kepada agen.
S.I. memuat data sebagai berikut :
a. Nama shipper, consignee dan notify address.
b. Pelabuhan muat dan bongkar.
c. Merk dan no. serta barang sesuai packing list, jumlah muatan, colli, berat dan volume.
d. Nama kapal yang akan mengangkut.
e. Pembayaran freight prepaid atau collect.
f. Jumlah original dan copy B.L. yang dikehendaki.
g. Copy Pemberitahuan Export Barang (PEB).
Atas data-data tersebut agen membuat draft B.L disampaikan ke Shipper, bila sudah disetujui maka dibuat B.L asli.
3. Document For In / Out Clearance
a. Sebelum kapal tiba di pelabuhan, agen menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen sebagai berikut :
1. PKKA (Pemberitahuan Keagenan Kapal Asing)
2. PPKB (Permohonan Pelayaran Kapal dan Barang)
3. RKSP (Rencana Kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut)
4. Memorandum pemeriksaan dokumen kapal
5. Letter of Appointment dari owners / kapal
6. Master Cable
7. ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate) dari kapal
8. Ship Particulars dari owners / kapal
9. Crew List dari kapal
10. Manifest dan copy B.L.
b. Dokumen yang disiapkan pada saat kapal tiba di pelabuhan :
1. Crew List
2. Crew Personal Effect
3. Voyage Memo
4. Ammunition List atau Dangerous Cargo List
5. Store List dan Provision List
c. Dokumen yang disiapkan pada saat keberangkatan kapal :
1. Sailing Declaration dari karantina dan Quarantine Clearance
2. Cargo Manifest dan copy B.L.
3. Port Clearanace Out (SIB)
4. Immigration Clearance
5. Custom Clearance
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